"Har du varit med om någon kulturkrock då?", har jag kunna få höra då jag bott utom Sverige. Folk förväntar sig oftast att flytten till ett land bortom födelselandet ska innebära en rad möten med knasiga kulturer. Dock måste jag säga att jag har haft ytterst svårt att svara på den frågan fram tills nu då jag återvänt till Sverige.
Livet, friluftsliv och träning tillsammans med min kelpie Myra. Bloggen skapades som en reseblogg då jag bodde i bergen med ursprungsbefolkningen i Ecuador. Du kan i denna blogg hitta reportage, reseskildringar, noveller, foton, berättelser om djur, människor och miljö, tankar om samhället, jobb, träning, familj, relationer och hundträning. Jag skriver - därför finns jag.
tisdag 15 juni 2010
"Har du varit med om någon kulturkrock då?", har jag kunna få höra då jag bott utom Sverige. Folk förväntar sig oftast att flytten till ett land bortom födelselandet ska innebära en rad möten med knasiga kulturer. Dock måste jag säga att jag har haft ytterst svårt att svara på den frågan fram tills nu då jag återvänt till Sverige.
söndag 13 juni 2010
Stockholm is so full of life
Stockholm is full of life. So is my time here. Every day I meet different friends and different groups of people.
fredag 4 juni 2010
Paper paper
tisdag 1 juni 2010
Wat's up Sweden
Vuelvo a vivir en ti pais
The airport is a vacuum. I was a vacuum.
At the airplane a started read a book Sofia gave me. It´s written by a Swedish therapist and talk about life, fears, love and insecurity. Eave dough I recognized a lot of what it said it helped me a lot in this moment of changing country and home. The worst thing I can do is to wait for living. To set out a date for when the life starts. And the strongest person is the one that live all her fears and show her weakness.
I left Västerås for Limerick. That was a great fear for me. The I left Limerick for Västerås. And Västerås for Cork, Cork for Norrköpng, Norrköping for Nässjö and Nässjö for Saraguro. I left Saraguro for Stockholm and Stockholm for Valparaíso. And now last Valparaíso for Stockholm.
You may all think that I´m a strong fearless woman. I keep on getting to know new places and people. The fact is that it scares me every time a leave my house for another. And every meeting with a new person is a challenge. But like people say it´s actually true that everything that doesn´t kill me make me stronger. I get to know the scary world out there and I get to know myself trough the people I meet.
I did cry when I left Chile. A various times. My head and chest aced. Except from that my eyes got whet it all happened inside me. It´s a bad habit I have. Not to cry out loud. I will try to be better on showing my feelings. Crying doesn´t hurt. It´s not crying that hurts. Showing my fears and weaknesses doesn´t harm me. It´s not showing them that make me go under.
Some of you may say that I met “the” love en Chile. That´s not true. It doesn’t exist one live in my life. But I met “a” love. A very important one. I write a lot about love in my book. I´m not going to tell you everything because I want you to read it when/if it get published. For many years I´ve asked myself what love is. For a while I believed that I never had loved. In Chile I explored that love wasn´t a new feeling. The happiness I´d felt for my life and my relations before was and are love. Physically leaving a great love for a time doesn´t mean that I´ll stop loving. I´ll chare my life with all of you that have been following me from Sweden in Chile and you that still are back in my beloved South America.
I can´t deny that the distance sucks a lot. It really scares me that the world is so big. However I do, wherever I go, whenever I get to know, I´ll always have to leave anyone behind for a time. I´ll have to live with that, and get to know the distance as I get to know the new places.
No matter where you are: Valparaíso, Buenos Aires, Västerås, Stockholm, Saraguro, Göteborg.
El presente es nuestro.
El futuro es nuestro.
Vivimos la vida.
Compartimos la vida.
Amamos la vida.