onsdag 8 september 2010

The hunger of the city

When I saw this photo at the exhibition at Kulturhuset in Stockholm I just couldn't stop looking. So many details. I just found one person popping out of a window doing some strange thing, pulling something like, but even though he was the only one visible at the photo I could imagine someone in every window, behind every curtain. I's unbelievable how many persons that are living in one building. That's what's so fascinating about this photo. The huge number of tenants, the details, the pattern that makes the individuals disappear behind their curtains. They are all a part of the anonymity of the city, and they will still be as long as the city is hungry for more. I wounder for how long we will accept to be a part of this machine, to eat and be eaten in the wheel of over consumption. Those who win today might loose tomorrow. The only thing that doesn't change is the anonymity.

The name of the photographer is Jens Assur and the exhibition can be seen at Kulurhuset in Stockholm until the 26th of September 2010.